White Table Lamp and Vase on Side Nightstand
Woman power!

The SHE Experience

The SHE Experience stems from this one question:

“What would SHE do?”

When asked this question, I went deep to contemplate and envisioned the best version of myself:

🌟How does SHE show up?

🌟What are her traits? Her Strengths?

🌟Her Demeanor, Her attitude, Her stance?

🌟What is SHE motivated by?

🌟What does SHE care about?

🌟How is SHE perceived?

✨What would the most successful and fulfilled version of me do to have the life I wanted?✨

When I answered these questions for myself, I realized I wanted to find a way that to help as many women as ​possible create lives and work they love by stepping into THEIR FULL POTENTIAL.

It was then that I decided to invest in myself by learning how to study ME!

When you study YOU using the Gene Keys and Human Design, you uncover the unique skills, convictions, ​strengths and genius within you that is meant to be shared with the world and that’s where magic happens ​and

where your YOUR SHE EXPERIENCE begins!

Your Gene Keys illuminate YOUR specific ​roadmap of who SHE really is

Artistic Women's Home Office Desk

Learning about YOUR Gene Keys and Human ​Design is for you if you’re wanting to:

  • Uplevel your relationships
  • Make more money doing what you love
  • Leave a legacy in your work
  • Step into the healthiest version of you
  • Create joy and fulfillment on your terms

Whether you are looking to reinvent yourself by living your ​life’s purpose, start a new career, or simply live a life of ​deeper fulfillment, booking a “Who is SHE” audit call is ​your first step!

What is included in your Call?

Your Free 30 Min Who is SHE audit Call

  1. Your FREE 4 page Gene Key Report
  2. Our 30 min. conversation where I walk you through your Life’s ​Work and your Public Role
  3. Your “SHE AUDIT” where we uncover where you are now, where ​you want to be and what’s standing in the way

Schedule your call here following the instructions on the ​enrollment page (easy peasy)




I am a former corporate Leadership Coach and Facilitator ​working for 22 years primarily for a large global bank.

I then created my own business and have been an ​entrepreneur for the past 4.5 years. Even with starting my own ​business, a dream I had for years, I still felt as if something ​was missing. It wasn’t until

I began exploring my Human Design and Gene Keys charts ​that I realized I was not doing the work I loved due to not being ​aligned with MY OWN unique design and what I was truly ​meant to do in this world.

Now, I combine timeless leadership/coaching principles with ​the power of Human Design & Gene Keys to help women ​identify and achieve their goals and step into the life and work ​SHE was meant to have.

Ready to go on a journey of deep discovery of your own perfect ​self expression to uncover who SHE is

in your unique Human Design?

Begin YOUR “SHE Experience” ​by taking the first step to ​building your life by design not ​by default

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Woman Working on the Desk